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Alexander Lozovoy

Alexander Lozovoy, a unique figure in the 21st century art scene, stands out as the sole direct disciple of renowned Russian avant-garde artists. Mentored by Barbara Bubnova (1886 - 1983), who collaborated with luminaries such as V. Kandinsky, K. Malevich, and A. Rodchenko, Lozovoy inherits a rich artistic lineage.

Drawing inspiration from his father, Nikolai Lozovoy (1901 - 1992), who studied under Filonov and Malevich in the 1920s, Alexander integrates techniques from the old Russian icon school into his paintings. Using microstrokes of various paints that resist blending, his canvases emanate vibrant hues, meticulously preserved due to the chemical stability of the pigments.

Born in 1949 and based in Moscow, Lozovoy's independent artistic journey has garnered international acclaim. His works grace esteemed collections worldwide, including those of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, and the Zimmerli Art Museum in New Jersey, USA. Lozovoy's art has transcended borders, featuring in auctions hosted by MacDougall’s Auction in London, Sotheby's, and Auction in Stockholm.

Входящие в воду

Entering water

Oil on canvas,
95 х 95 cm



Oil on canvas,
91 х 101 cm

Радуга из шейкера

Shaker rainbow

Oil on canvas,
80.5 х 100 cm

Этрусская ваза

Etruscan vase

Oil on canvas,
90 х 100 cm

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